Great wood knowledge creates new opportunities
Spruce, pine, oak, ash, poplar, birch… Each type of wood has different peculiarities and is a living material that requires both knowledge and experience to be handled. Our customers know that we have the tools required for the task and constantly give us new challenges. Most often with inquiries about products, species and profiles that are not on the shelf in the building materials store. We are passionate about developing new products of wood in all kind of species. Both with and without fire classification.
Watch the movie Mjøstårnet
In our two facilities in southern Sweden, we manufacture first-class wood products. Here we have built up a combined competence and experience which in combination with a modern machine park gives us the ability to manufacture what others cannot. The wooden moldings we have been making since 1981 has been joined by a large number of customized products.

Wood is a unique and climate-smart building material that is used to a greater extent with increasing awareness. Unlike all other building materials, whose production contributes to emissions in our environment, wood binds previous carbon dioxide emissions and thus helps to reduce the environmental impact. The more wood we can build into our buildings, the more carbon dioxide we can capture from the atmosphere. Sustainable forestry contributes to more sustainable construction and a far more environmentally friendly construction industry.
For us, environmental awareness is not just about the big emissions-related issues. Wood also affects our everyday environment in more subtle ways. It helps us with everything from creating pleasant, cozy indoor environments with good acoustics to balancing our indoor climate in a natural way. Choosing wood is therefore in many ways an environmentally smart choice.

Added value
Always delivering the product that our customers expect is very much about knowledge, communication and the ability to find out and convey the right information. We are not content with delivering what we think you want. We do not give up until we have found the very best solution and often act as advisors. With our expertise, you can achieve a product that fits the raw material optimally, in a quality adapted to the current application and with a finish that gets both the client and the architect in a good mood. Only then are we also satisfied.

Fire retardant wood
Since 2011 we have been working with fire retardant wood together with Woodsafe where we combine our knowledge in one common "All-in-one" concept. Read more under products and fire retardant wood.
Backegards is one of Sweden's most flexible companies in wood processing and fire retardant wood products. With six planer lines with different capacities, own tool manufacturing and several surface treatment options, there is knowledge and resources that you will not find anywhere else.